Thursday, October 29, 2009

Love And Friendship Betrayal

Love is a horrible thing when it goes wrong. It made me vulnerable. It led me to open up my heart and allow someone to mess it up. Then, a simple phrase like 'Maybe we should just be friends' broke my heart into a million pieces. It was excruciating pain but love is not only a feeling, it could be a choice and I'll find myself proudly saying, "Yeah, I moved on and I'm enjoying the company of a new friend now." Oh well, friendship lasts longer than love after all.

On the other hand, what can be worse than betrayal of a friend or a person you thought was your friend? I wonder why I never saw through the I-am-a-goody-girl-and-true-friend mask that you've been wearing for so long but now that you've revealed your devil fangs, tail and horns, I've built up a whole suit of armor so that you won't be able to hurt me again.

"We have to distrust each other. It is our only defense against betrayal." - Tennessee Williams

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tequila, Lime, Salt

Shots of this Mexican liquor is one hell of my favorite drink to order at bars but I paid the consequences for taking seven shots in one and a half hours. Yeah, I'm a super lightweight drinker and I know it.

Friday night was a disaster. I'd rather not elaborate but the night started with Tequila, lime, salt and ended with vomit, cops, fragmentary blackouts. I can taste alcohol and blood in my mouth still and it's nasty. I'm never gonna drink like that again.

May Wee Hung's birthday be extra special and filled with goodies! ~~<{@